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Schema therapy ~ Freedom from 'life traps'

Schema therapy is an integrated psychological therapy, combining elements from a variety of therapies including CBT Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. It aims to challenge and correct some of the deepest maladaptive beliefs that we hold about ourselves and the world.

Breaking free from deeply embedded maladaptive beliefs

Schemas are the beliefs we hold about ourselves, and our habitual reactions to experiences, that were formed in our earliest years and which we have grown up with, without really ever questioning them…and often without even being fully aware they exist.

Jeffrey Young, the American founder of the Schema Therapy Institute, has popularised this form of therapy in a self-help book, ‘Reinventing Your Life: How to Break Free from Negative Life Patterns’, which remains one of Amazon’s top ten books on cognitive psychology. In the book he coins the term ‘Life Trap’ as a more accessible interpretation of the concept of schemas.

Schemes, very resistant to challenge

Because these schemas, or life traps, are so embedded within us, and because we may unconsciously cling onto them, they can be very resistant to challenge or change. Therapists identify particular ‘early maladaptive schemas’ which result in us thinking about, and reacting to, later events, relationships and experiences, in ways which may prevent us from meeting our goals and from having an enjoyably fulfilling life. Along the way they may damage our relationships with friends, colleagues and the people we love.

"Schema therapy helps to identify and replace damaging habitual beliefs

Schemas may persist because they offer us a way of avoiding facing our deepest feelings. For example, if one of the schemas you have was formed early in life as a reaction to emotional deprivation (perhaps from your mother or another significant caregiver), this may then lead you to believe you will not, or cannot, be worthy of love. You may therefore protect yourself from this hurtful feeling by unconsciously pushing people away — including people who could in reality meet that need.

As many as eighteen separate schemas have been identified through psychological research, which therapists and their clients will together try to identify and explore. Most people engaging in this form of therapy will have more than one schema, and some schemas appear to work ‘collaboratively’, each reinforcing the effects of the other.

Typically, therapy which focuses on schemas is longer-lasting than other forms of therapy like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Clients who have not found success with one form of therapy, or who have found the results are short-lived, may find a course of schema therapy is more suited to their needs.

How schema therapy works

The initial part of schema therapy aims to identify which are the active schemas in a particular client’s life. The therapist may use a question and answer technique or a written questionnaire for this stage. The next stage is for you to work with the therapist to recognise the schemas and when and how they work. Are there particular circumstances where you can become aware of their effects?

What are the ‘giveaways’ that show you that ‘your’ schema or schemas are emerging and producing in you the connected thought patterns, feelings and reactions? The third part of therapy is to explore how to replace negative thoughts and actions with ones that produce a different, more fulfilling emotional and behavioural outcome.

Like all therapy, these stages are not likely to be perfectly linear, or sequential. There may be steps forward and steps back; there is likely to be a return to cover old ground once more, in order to review strategies and perhaps change them.

The House Partnership, 28th April 2015


Integrated psychotherapy

House Therapists are trained in a variety of approaches, and can integrate them to tailor the therapeutic experience to your particular needs and concerns. Rather than trying to match the client to a therapy, we prefer to match therapies to the client.

Solution Focused Therapy

By encouraging clients to focus on achievements and goals, solution-focused therapy aims to help establish hope and resolutions to problems — with less attention paid to why the problems arose in the first place. The focus is on what is possible if positive changes are made.

Now don't tell me about your mother

The psychoanalytic theory that dominated the 20th century is being overtaken by therapies in which talking interventions for depression concentrate not on what has already happened, but on thinking about what will happen in the future in a positive way.

Systemic therapy and your social network

Systemic therapy looks at people not as isolated individuals, but as parts of various relationships and networks (romantic, familial, platonic, professional etc), and deals with the interactions and dynamics of these groups to improve the wellbeing of its members.